Used from Deeper Devotion God Speaks - Part 4
by Tim Wade
Hebrews 1:1-2a"In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son..."In these last days God spoke to us by his Son, and then His Son ascended to Heaven leaving us with His Holy Spirit whose job is (amongst many) to speak to us (John 16:13, Acts 11:28).
One of the more difficult things to do when learning to hear the voice of God is to get rid of all the other voices. When you diligently search for what it is God wants you to do next in your life there will be no shortage of stupid answers. Everyone in your life will have on opinion, including you. But only one voice will be the voice of the Holy Spirit leading you into all truth and righteousness.The key to knowing which voice is God's is the development spiritual disciplines in your life. Such disciplines include prayer, Bible study, meditation on the Word, fasting, and fellowship with other believers to name just a few. Based upon the daily practice of these disciplines I have made a short list of five rules that aid me in knowing when I am hearing the voice of God, the Holy Spirit, and not my own or someone else's. This list is by no means exhaustive, but merely serves as a guide. I know the voice of the Lord when:
1. I am in His word. The Holy Spirit bears witness inside of me in a very real way. The word of God is illuminated and is usually applied to something that I have been recently going through (Psalm 119:97-105)
2. When I am sharing my faith. As I develop my faith I share it with others. I do not keep it to myself. Whether it be with other believers or sharing my testimony with an unbeliever I am always sharing my faith in Christ (Acts 2:42-47).
3. When I am not in sin. Only when I am being obedient can I have full fellowship with God. In sin the relationship is not broken, but badly hindered. Do not make spiritual decisions when you know you are not living according to the Word! This includes relationships with co-workers, friends, and family (1 John 1:9-10).
4. When I am prayed up. My fellowship with God must include pray time which means time alone. For me this is not always an on your knees moment. I often converse with God over the scriptures in addition to the petitions I make to Him on behalf of others (Luke 6:12-13, John 17).
5. When I am in service to Him. To me serving God is worshiping God. The two go hand in hand, whether I am in the pew singing a hymn on a Sunday morning, or developing a PowerPoint slide presentation for the Sunday morning sermon, I am in worship. Thus I am in the presence of God and can hear His voice (John 15:7-11). When God speaks, He will always bring glory and honor to Himself. He will not contradict His word. Therefore, seek out wise counsel that knows the Bible. Surround yourself with Godly men and women who know quite well what the voice of the Lord sounds like and follow Him daily. And when you hear God speak to you, whether it is through His Word, His people, or directly to your Spirit from His, above all obey Him and do what He tells you to do.
"Then [Saul] fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying to him, 'Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” And he said, “Who are You, Lord?” Then the Lord said, "I am Jesus ..."(Acts 9:4-5a)."