Monday, June 12, 2006

Sure or Unsure?

Do you remember the commercials for SURE deodorant? It would have people in differnt situations where they would have to be lifting their arms in the air. Places like roller coasters, sporting events, classrooms, things like that. What would happen would be the people that did not use SURE deodorant would not lift their arms because they had stinky arm pits but those who did use it were sure that their SURE deodorant was working. Orignal eh?

Our faith can be like that sometimes can't it? There are times when we are so sure in our faith that we are willing to do anything, no matter what the cost. But then, there are times when we are really uncertain as to if we even have faith.

Jesus said that we don't need a whole lot of faith to be faithful, after all, he told us that if we have faith the size of a mustard seed we could move a mountain. I haven't moved any mountains lately have you? We often aren't doubting God's ability to save us through Jesus, we are doubting our own ability to have faith.

We aren't the first to find ourselves in this quandry. Just like Moses, we are looking for assurance. Tomorrow we will look at what Peter has to say about how we can be certain in our faith. But for today, are you SURE or UNSURE in your faith? If you are SURE, what is holding you back from going all out for Jesus? If UNSURE, think about why? You can be SURE, be sure to check in tomorrow to find out how!


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