Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Who God uses.

Can you imagine what it would have been like to be in the garden that morning when Jesus rose from the dead? It had to be such an emotional roller coaster of a day. But as we look at that morning 2000 years in John 20:10-18 we see that Jesus is making a grand entrance back into the lives of his followers.

But it is interesting to see who the Lord uses to announce his resurrection. He uses Mary Magdalene! But she was a prostitute and woman! (By the way, women didn't have much of a say in that day). But he used the one who may have been most dedicated. She was the one that was weeping at the tomb. When all others had left, she was still there. And since she was the one seeking the Lord, he blessed her with being the first to see Jesus resurrected.

Jesus wants to use us, even today, but He can only do that if we are willing and available. It doesn't matter what our position is in life, we can be used and blessed by God in so many ways if we seek Him and make ourselves available. Are you seeking Him today? Are you available to his leading? Don't miss out on the amazing things He has planned for you today!


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