Saturday, October 28, 2006

I'm jumping in.

Did you ever have one of those experiences where you couldn't help but go all in. You were so excited about something that you just couldn't contain it? Truthfully, besides my wedding, (and before that asking my wife out) there are few things that I think I could put into that catagory. But how are we when it comes to God? Do we seek Him with that type of passion and dedication? Do we dive into time with Him in a way that shows we can't wait any longer?

Peter had that type of longing for Jesus. We see in John 21:1-14 another example of Jesus appearing to the disciples. This time though there is some distance between them. Peter wanted so hard to be with Jesus he jumped out of the boat and swam to Him.

Are we like that? Do we want to be like that? Pray today for God to be our passion, pray that we may jump in after Jesus.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

What's the point?

Have you ever gone to hear somebody talk (hopefully not me!), or read through a book, or watched a movie, and you just found yourself thinking, "what's the point?" Sometimes if you find yourself thinking that in a negative way, as in you can't figure out what the point is even if you asked the question, it can totally ruin the message. I have had countless experiences like this.

But the great thing is, in some cases, we get to a point at the end of the message and the point of the message is finally revealed. In this moment, something clicks. While the book of John is captivating throughout, we come to the end, specifically chapter 20 verse 31 where we finally see the point of his message.

John writes this, "But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name." There is no better moment of truth than this. The point of this gospel is so that we may believe and have life. Is this a "clicking" moment with you? Have you seen the proof of the Christ as we have gone through the book? Hopefully you have, and hopefully you have grown closer to God through this time. Thanks for spending time with your God and savior today!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Be sent out.

Lately, I have been convicted of a need to share Christ with others out of love. We too often forget how great the news of the gospel really is. In John 20:19-31, Jesus meets with his disciples after his resurrection and He gives them one command in verse 21. Jesus said "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you."

Just as Jesus came with the "good news" he has sent us out with the "good news." Who is somebody you can invest yourself into to bring the good news to them? Jesus has set the example, and he has given us the opportunity. Let us truly be disciples of Christ today and be sent out with the good news that Christ is Risen!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Who God uses.

Can you imagine what it would have been like to be in the garden that morning when Jesus rose from the dead? It had to be such an emotional roller coaster of a day. But as we look at that morning 2000 years in John 20:10-18 we see that Jesus is making a grand entrance back into the lives of his followers.

But it is interesting to see who the Lord uses to announce his resurrection. He uses Mary Magdalene! But she was a prostitute and woman! (By the way, women didn't have much of a say in that day). But he used the one who may have been most dedicated. She was the one that was weeping at the tomb. When all others had left, she was still there. And since she was the one seeking the Lord, he blessed her with being the first to see Jesus resurrected.

Jesus wants to use us, even today, but He can only do that if we are willing and available. It doesn't matter what our position is in life, we can be used and blessed by God in so many ways if we seek Him and make ourselves available. Are you seeking Him today? Are you available to his leading? Don't miss out on the amazing things He has planned for you today!

Monday, October 16, 2006


I read this quote today:

"Scripture was not given to increase our knowledge but to change our conduct."

This very true statement that is mirrored in the book of James. Take a look at James 2:14-26 and don't just learn, but learn to do!

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Hey everybody!

We here at Crossfire are always excited to hear how God is using the ministries to draw you closer to Him. We want to encourage you to share your stories here at Crossfire Contemplations ( as well as through Crossfire and Crossfire JV. But we don't just want you to tell us, tell others about what God is doing in your life, and of course, if you know anybody who is interested in receiving these devotions via email, send their info to

Peace OUT!

Two important truths

As we look at John 20:1-9 today, we have to come to an understanding. That understanding is this: this is the most important part of the story!!! Without this part and what follows, we would not be worshipping God. We would be worshipping a man, a prophet, a good teacher, whatever you want to call it. But today, as we read about the empty tomb, we need to come to an understanding that as Paul puts it if we do not believe this gospel, we believe in vain (1 Cor. 15:2).

The other important part is this: Messiah not being owned by death was told to us in the scriptures (Old Testament) and this was a necessary part of the equation. These important truths make up our gospel. As you think today about what you may believe, think on these things, because if you do not start here, it doesn't matter where you are going.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Just do it.

Think of one way you can show Christ today.

Now go and do it.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Stepping Out.

Jesus is dead. The main disciples are scattered and some are even denying Christ. We have failed.

These must have been some of the thoughts going through the followers of Jesus minds. Everything they had hoped for seemingly was lost. Their hope for Jesus to be the Messiah seems to have been stabbed through the heart. This is the situation we see in John 19:38-42.

Now in most normal situations, one would think that you would have the die hards, the radicals still standing up for Jesus. His closest friends would be rallying to the call and if there was anybody who wasn't zealously committed to Jesus, they would be the ones to fall away. But this situation is different, because we see two men, who followed from a distance, come forward and step totally into following Jesus in His death.

We see two members of the Jewish ruling council as the ones to step up and follow through with Jesus' death. This was the end of Joseph's and Nicodemus' (remember him?) association with the Jewish council because they have stepped up and shown their allegience to Christ.

Are you willing to step out from those things you may be associated with today to stand with Christ?

Monday, October 09, 2006


So I just finished reading this really great book, it may be one of my new favorites. It's called the Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning. I highly recommend it. Besides having a funny title, it has some great insight into what we often times miss in Christianity, at least in American Evangelical Christianity, the gospel of grace.

Too often we may say we agree with grace but we don't live grace. What I mean by that is we know that we are saved by grace alone, yet we still live as though we are trying to prove something to God for Him to love us more. It can't happen. Manning explains that once we can come to grips with what sinners are (us) we can truly be free to see who Christ is (love) and in this grace we are able to live a life for Him rather than live life toward Him. We are but ragamuffins (poor in spirit) and in accepting that we can accept Christ's grace.

I am happy to accept Christ grace and be freed from the bondage of trying to do anything. It is by God's grace alone that I am anything. Take a look at 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 today and think about what it looks like to live that out.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A prayer

Tonight I have been convicted of a need. A need to spend some time in prayer. Prayer for our nation, for our generation, for you. May we come to an authentic faith, getting rid of the two sided nature that we often live our lives. The hypocrisy of our culture. The me centered nature of our flesh. Spend some time praying today and may the start of a revolution of the soul for our generation start with you. May we be the beginning of a real community of individuals who live the same in the church as we do outside of it. May our inner life match that of our outer lives and vice versa. And may we passionately seek God with all that we are.


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Can I get a witness?

It's amazing how important peoples stories can be. When we hear about something we need to know that the source is reputable and that we can trust the source. The witness of a reliable individual. We see this in the death of Jesus in John 19:28-37.

The author makes an interesting side note in the story of Jesus death taking place according to prophecy in vs 35. John tells us that he used a direct witness to these events as a source. It adds a sense of authenticity doesn't it? But we see a couple things about this man. First, he was sure of what he saw. He knew that everything he was testifying to was accurate. Second, he was doing this so that others may believe. He had a method and a purpose.

We are called to do the same thing. While we may not have been at the cross that day that Jesus was crucified, we can see God working in our lives in other ways. We need to watch for these instances, be sure of what they are, and share them with those around us so that they may believe. This is true for Christians and unbelievers. We can be that authentic source others are looking for to encourage their belief. Will you follow in the footsteps of this unnamed man in verse 35? How is God working in your life? Can I get a witness?

Monday, October 02, 2006

Is it mockery?

I love how God will show us something new even from stories and scripture that we may know like the back of our hands or have heard countless times before. This happened for me today. As we continue to work our way through the book of John, we come to the point of Jesus coming to earth, that is, His crucifixion (take a look at John 19:16-27). What I found out today is that Pilate was given a bad wrap.

Most people know that Pilate was the Roman governor of Judea at the time of Christ. There is a lot you could look up about him as a ruler of the land at that time. But in John we see a slightly different side of Pilate than in the other three gospels. While yes, Pilate could have stood up to the Jews more than he did, in John, we see that Pilate had the right idea of Jesus, at least more right than the chief priests of the time.

We see this a couple times throughout the story of Pilate in John, but the last cut he gets in at the High Priests is when he writes "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews." The High Priests were not happy that Pilate wrote what he did. His response to them... "I wrote what I wrote."

Now I am not saying that Pilate did the write thing over all in this situation, but what he did do is stick by his actions. While we have thought this was a mocking statement at Jesus, it was really a true statement made to mock those who accused Jesus. Pilate was willing to stand by his conviction on this matter. Are you willing to stand by the conviction that Christ is Lord in your life?