Saturday, June 10, 2006

The truth or not the Truth... that is the question.

Postmodernism is an interesting thing. I have been told that I am living in a postmodern culture, generation, time, etc. All this talk about being postmodern and what does it mean, blah, blah, blah. The funny thing is, after doing some research on the whole thing, I have found that I really do fall into that category at times. I wouldn't be surprised if some of your thought patterns fit into this idea of "postmodern."

While looking at an article by this guy Rick Edwards, I found this intersting quote, "One of the most dangerous tenets of postmodernism is the notion that truth is either non-existent or, if it does exist, is impossible to discern and articulate. The first position makes truth relative, the second makes it irrelevant."

This is a really good point, and one that we need to keep in mind as Christians. Jesus said that "[He was] the way, the TRUTH, and the Life." When we look at the concept of truth in relation to our faith in Jesus we must see that we have a definitive truth and one that can be articulated in Jesus, even if it is beyond our comprehension.

Take some time to think about how your decisions and thought processes may match with Rick's warning. Is the truth to us a relevant thing found in one place in Christ or is it something different for you. Where are you finding your truth?


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