I love how God will show us something new even from stories and scripture that we may know like the back of our hands or have heard countless times before. This happened for me today. As we continue to work our way through the book of John, we come to the point of Jesus coming to earth, that is, His crucifixion (take a look at John 19:16-27). What I found out today is that Pilate was given a bad wrap.
Most people know that Pilate was the Roman governor of Judea at the time of Christ. There is a lot you could look up about him as a ruler of the land at that time. But in John we see a slightly different side of Pilate than in the other three gospels. While yes, Pilate could have stood up to the Jews more than he did, in John, we see that Pilate had the right idea of Jesus, at least more right than the chief priests of the time.
We see this a couple times throughout the story of Pilate in John, but the last cut he gets in at the High Priests is when he writes "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews." The High Priests were not happy that Pilate wrote what he did. His response to them... "I wrote what I wrote."
Now I am not saying that Pilate did the write thing over all in this situation, but what he did do is stick by his actions. While we have thought this was a mocking statement at Jesus, it was really a true statement made to mock those who accused Jesus. Pilate was willing to stand by his conviction on this matter. Are you willing to stand by the conviction that Christ is Lord in your life?