Monday, September 04, 2006

What does it cost?

Sometimes I see something that someone has and I just start thinking to myself, "I wonder how much that costs, because that is sweet!" It could be a really nice car, the newest electronics, clothes, food. Do you ever find yourself wondering that? Or there are those other times when you know how much it costs and can't believe that somebody would own something that expensive. We all have those moments. There was a moment like that in John 12:1-8 where Mary M. pours expensive perfume on Jesus feet. Then, in a reaction, Judas yells, why didn't she sell that and give the money to the poor!?!

In this we see Jesus making a pretty big point when he reprimand Judas. That point is, yes it is good to give to the poor, they will always need money, but to give and use these things for me, that is the most important. It was not bad for Mary to have expensive perfume, just like it is not bad for us to have expensive things if God blesses us that way. But think of the most expensive thing you have. Are you willing to use that completely for Jesus? Are you willing to lay it at His feet not matter how much it costs?


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