Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Patience to power

I am really glad the disciples are in the Bible. To me, it makes the whole story that much more valid. But it also makes me feel a lot better about myself sometimes. The first point, that the story is more valid, comes from this. Take a look at pretty much any story in the gospels that have the disciples in them. After you find it and read it, what happens to or with the disciples? Generally, they are screwing up, not believing, or acting scared. Not that great of a legacy. But if we compare it to how they act in the rest of the New Testament, we see quite a change don't we? What is the difference. How did wussy fisherman who have just invested three years into a guy who died turn into some of the biggest history changers and courageous men of all time? Jesus didn't stay dead.

It was only after the resurrection and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that the disciples really changed and really started making a difference. That is where I find my encouragement today. Our Christ did not stay dead, and he has given us the means to live for Him. We see his patience with His disciples in their mistakes, but we also see His power IN His disciples in their ministry. God is doing the same with you. Spend some time praying for opportunities for his power and thanking Him for His patience.


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