Wednesday, August 23, 2006

This has been a test.

Did you ever hear anybody talk about "God testing them?" I hear that every once in a while, and I even think that every once in a while. These generally aren't the big types of tests, like the ones Job went through, but more of the little things in life. Should I do this or do that, does God want me to talk to this person or not, or even does God want me to date or not? (OK, that is a little bigger of a question and I don't struggle with that one being married, but if you aren't married you probably wonder that).

Jesus offered up some pretty big tests to His disciples. Take a look at John 6:1-14. This is the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 (men only, probably closer to 10,000 if you count women and children). The test we see is what he asks Phillip in verse 5 and 6. First a little background. Jesus was the Rabbi, the teacher, who served his followers but chances are, they were probably trying to serve Him making sure they had enough food (like we see in John 4:31) and things like that. If you were a disciple you did what the Rabbi asked.

Now, put yourself in Phillip's sandals in this story. Your Rabbi just asked you how to feed 10,000 people. Phillip and the rest of the group didn't really have much money. The knew they didn't have the 8 months of wages to feed that size group (6:7). They were totally stumped and I am sure probably afraid that Jesus was going to drop them because they weren't able to do what he asked. Do you ever find yourself in the situation where you don't feel you can do what Jesus asks of you?

But here is the catch. Verse 6 says "He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do." When God asks us to do the tough things. The things that we get confused on, the beauty of it is He already has in mind what He is going to do. All we have to do is go along with it.

So when we are not sure about what God is telling us, or we think that the test He has put us in is too hard, we need to search the scriptures and find wise counsel and then go for it in God's will, because he already has it in mind what He is going to do. Don't miss out on being a part of that.


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