Saturday, September 09, 2006

How many times will you deny?

Do you know the song "You will know we are Christians by our love"? That is a great song and I think it should be an accurate description of Christians. After all, love is at the center of Christ's ministry and commands. In John 13:31-38 we see this taking place.

Jesus has just told his disciples that Judas would betray Him and that He would be leaving them. Then he tells them this: "A new command I give you, love one another as I have loved you. By this all will know that you are my disciples." That must be one important command. It was like Jesus saving the best for last as far as commands go. He wants disciples to show love to other disciples in order for people to see that they are disciples. If we put that in to action, wouldn't it be profound?

But this is followed directly by Jesus telling Simon Peter he would deny him three times. While we may never have necessarily denied to be a follower of Christ, how many times have we denied His command to love one another? How many times will we? If we aren't showing others that we are Christ's disciples by loving, we are in essence denying Christ. Let us show love to one another in order that they will know we are Christians, not by words, but by our love. They will know we are Christians by our love.


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