Which idea of Heaven?

In the beginning of this final lengthy recorded prayer by Jesus, he starts off by praying for God to glorify Himself by glorifying the Son. But in the midst of his petition, Jesus grants us a look at what Heaven is really like, from the only one who has been there. Jesus says this, "Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent." This isn't the typical view of Heaven that we normally get is it? What happened to the streets of Gold and all that other stuff. While that is explained in revelation, this statement by Christ is the essence of Heaven, relationship with God.
No matter what eschatological (that is the study of the end times) position one may take, we must remember that eternity for us starts here on earth. Our heaven starts when we begin our redeemed relationship with God through the savior Jesus Christ. Let us look forward to the beauty of Heaven, but realize the best part of it will be our ever lasting communion with the Father and with the Christ.
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