Monday, September 18, 2006

Spirit of TRUTH

I am not a big fan of people who don't take a stand. It's not necessarily those times when it doesn't matter what decision or point is made, but rather those times when I think they should at least have an opinion on it. Yet even choosing not to think about something is a decision or opinion in itself I suppose. Maybe I have been looking into this too much.

In John 16:5-16, Jesus is continuing his talk with the disciples after leaving the upper room for the last supper. And in this portion of the discussion, Jesus is telling them what to expect after the Holy Spirit comes. He is telling them what we can expect post Pentecost (the day when the Holy Spirit came to earth--see Acts 2). Jesus tells them 4 specific things that the Holy Spirit, aka the Counselor, aka the Spirit of Truth, will accomplish here on earth.

Point 1: The Spirit will convict people of their sin. People in general do not need to be told by others that they aren't perfect, that they do wrong. The Holy Spirit (what we sometimes call a conscience)is a natural barometer for our relationship status with God.

Point 2: Along the same lines, the Spirit will give us a knowledge of righteousness, using Christ as an example. Without the Spirit, we can not know true righteousness. We also will know that we can not obtain righteousness on our own.

Point 3: We know that by the Spirit, Satan is condemned.

Point 4: That as the Spirit of Truth, He will teach us all things, coming from the Father, and that Christ is willing to make all that He knows, known to us.

God has graciously saved us, but has also graciously made much known to us and sent His Spirit to do the hard work. We may not understand fully the mystery of Grace, but we should be encouraged that the Holy Spirit is ready, willing, and more than able to convict us and other, as well as make Christ known to us. Are you willing to allow the Spirit of TRUTH to guide your thoughts and opinions today? We don't need to be left in that indecisive land. Be open to the conviction of the Spirit through the Word.


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