Monday, August 14, 2006

More than 12?

How many disciples did Jesus have? I always thought it was 12, didn't you? But if we take a look at scripture we see that Jesus apparently had many more. Take a look at at John 6:65-71.

In this passage we see the latter part of Jesus giving some really hard teaching. Of this teaching, many of his disciples were saying things like "this is difficult, who can listen to it? (v. 60)" Can you believe that? These were some of his followers saying this, people who had traveled around with Him listening to his teachings and watching his miracles. In verse 66 we see what happens to them, "many of His disciples withdrew and were not walking with Him anymore."

This isn't that different than today. Did you know that nearly half of students who grow up in the church and say they have relationship with Christ leave the faith within a couple years of being out of high school? That is 1 in every 2 people! But from this passage we see that this was similar to what happened to Jesus himself when He was on Earth! When the teaching got tough, "many of His disciples withdrew."

We at Crossfire desire what Christ desires, that all will come to know and love Christ, but they have to do so on HIS terms, which is different than the worlds ideas. Will you make the commitment today to stand with ALL of Christ in every part of your life? What will you answer when Christ says "You do not want to go away also, do you?"


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