Saturday, August 05, 2006

Are you sad?

When Jesus was on earth, I have to think he was often sad. I don't think he was sad because he was on earth, but sad because of the state of people around him. He was sad because they were missing the only way to right their relationships with God. Not only were some missing it, but some were denying it all together.

The Bible talks about God wishing for all to come to know Him. The question we need to ask ourselves is this: are we saddened by the spiritual state of those around us? Are we sad because they don't know God? Or are we too busy living our own lives to care much about where others will go after their lives are over?

I am guilty of being selfish in this area, but thankfully, Jesus wasn't. He died for all of our sins because he loved us so much. Take some time today to take a look at part of Jesus' life, any part. Take notice of how he cared about people's lives overall, their life here on earth but more so their relationship with God. Are you sad?


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