Monday, July 24, 2006

A prayer

Tonight I was thinking about last night's blog and lese's response to it (thanks for that) and for the fact that we are so often caught up in pointless stuff that has some value now, but not eternally. For one, how often I check my email, it has value, but if I spent that time in prayer think of how that could change the world.

Don't let anything diminish the size of your prayers. God is bigger than anything we could possibly think up. Tonight, let your prayers be bigger than the world. Feel free to share them at


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lord, tonight I thank you for your grace given to all. I pray that we would see a desire in our generation to seek you with all our hearts. I also pray for safety and peace in Iraq, Israel, Lebenon, Somolia, and the other violent locations of the earth. May your grace be sufficient in our weakness and may we see you work through us. Your will be done. Amen.

9:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Father, i'm so often led astray by elements of this world, that i often loose sight of what's really important: honoring You. In the end, it's not going to matter whether i responded to and e-mail five seconds after i got it. It amazes me, leaves me awe-struck, just *thinking* about what the world could accomplish, if we only spent more time with You. What *i* could accomplish if i devoted even jst some of the time i currently spend with the claptrap of society with You, Lord. i think about it and try to figure out why it's taken me so long to realize what i need to be doing. But, i need your help. i can't make the change on my own: it's like i've a mini-addiction to the world. i've been disobeying you for so long, as you've brought to my knowledge through a devotional: "Thou shalt not have any gods before me." Though i don't worship them, the superfluous time i spend with my TV, my computer, my schoolwork, my job, my music and every other man-made distraction in this world speaks for itself. i need to take hours, not minutes, out of my week and give them to you. The time-- it shouldn't even be counted. It should be ever-lasting. You know how hard it is for me to do what i know i should- what i *want* to do. Please give me the strength, the courage, the *perserverence* to. Help *us* to. So many of the world's problems could be solved if we simply let You take them and guide us. i pray tonight, for a chain-reaction. i pray that others will see You through your believers: the believers here in our youth group, in our Church, in our town, state, country. In our world. i pray that they'll see the love You have to offer and get to know You. The world is in dire need of Salvation: and it's already been provided when Jesus died at Calvary... the gift just needs to be accepted. Help others to see the oppertunity You've presented us and to seize it: to take action, to accept it, to do Your will, and bit by bit, change the world to Your glory. Amen.

1:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sit here tonight feeling lower than dirt. not even close to being considered worthy of your love. and thinking that my mistakes have gone too far... but it's at times like these when you pick me up and tell me...Son, I loved you at your darkest!

9:50 PM  

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